Hawthorne Elementary, FUMC’s Adopt-a-School partner, will be having a Family Giveaway event in February. Items needed for this event are: Personal care products of all kinds: Home cleaning supplies: All items can be brought to the church and placed in the Adopt-a-School bin. Sincere thanks go out to all who regularly donate to our school. You are wonderful examples of …
Claudia Dorsch Ordination Interviews
Claudia Dorsch comes before the Board of Ordained Ministry of the Wisconsin Conference in February for Ordination as a Deacon. As her home church, let’s reach out to her with our prayers, support, and encouragement as she prepares for these interviews. Cards will be available in the Octagon. Please write her a note and we’ll send them to her before …
Hope’s Home Ministry 2024 Yearly Report
Thank you for your prayers and service in support of Hope’s Home Ministry throughout 2024. We are deeply grateful for your commitment to preparing warm, nutritious breakfasts for those in need and worshiping alongside them, helping to build a precious community of love here. It has been a joy and a privilege to participate in this ministry together over the …
VanDyke – Alton (VDA) Scholarship Opportunities
The VanDyke – Alton Scholarship Committee is excited to share information about 2025 scholarship opportunities. Join us January 26th during the 9:30 service for a short presentation about the scholarship program and how to apply. Additional information can also be found here. Contributions to the VanDyke – Alton Scholarship Fund are always welcome and can be made through VANCO. Envelopes will …
Director of Music and the Arts
First United Methodist Church: Downtown Madison, WisconsinJob Title: Director of Music and the ArtsReports To: Lead PastorPosition Type: Full-Time or 2 Part-time positions. Salaried (includes evenings, weekends, and flexibility in schedule) Position Summary The Director of Music and the Arts will lead and nurture the church’s music ministry, maintaining its strong foundation in traditional sacred music while exploring opportunities for …
Trustees Update: Tankless Water Heater
Monday, December 16 marked the day FUMC transition to a tankless, on-demand water heater system from a conventional water heater was complete. Trustees began considering replacement options last May when our service contractor informed us that our 100 gallon unit was well beyond the expected 10 year lifetime and could fail at any time. In addition to replacement with a …
Stewardship Update, December 20, 2024
Dear FUMC Family, We are incredibly grateful for the outpouring of generosity we’ve witnessed during this stewardship campaign. To date, members of our congregation have pledged $727,879 towards our ambitious goal of $850,000. This matches our pledge levels last year, which is great news! However, we still have a ways to go in order to balance our budgets and press forwards with the …
Green Team Times – December 2024
This holiday season, we’re encouraging everyone to buy less, buy better or buy nothing. Let’s focus less on stuff and more on joy! We want to get back to the original joy of the season. Here are some meaningful things we can spend our time and money on: DID YOU KNOW? Our Green Team has bought a big box that …
A Message from the Finance Committee
On November 19, the Church Council passed FUMC’s budget for 2025. It is a balanced budget! This budget includes $70,000 for FUMC’s annual mortgage payment to First Foundation. It also includes substantial capital expenditure for a purchase of a new HVAC system and a new boiler. (We are hoping to achieve funding for a needed second boiler but that is …
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