Claudia Dorsch comes before the Board of Ordained Ministry of the Wisconsin Conference in February for Ordination as a Deacon. As her home church, let’s reach out to her with our prayers, support, and encouragement as she prepares for these interviews.
Cards will be available in the Octagon. Please write her a note and we’ll send them to her before her interviews.
Claudia discerned her call to ministry through her studies at Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary, where she earned a Master’s degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling.
Since joining First United Methodist Church in Madison in 2017, Claudia has faithfully pursued her calling to the ministry of chaplaincy, and was affirmed as a candidate for the order of Deacon under the mentorship of Rev. Robert Eagle.
Her journey has led her to serve as a hospital staff chaplain in Dubuque, Iowa, where she integrates her theological education and psychotherapy training to provide compassionate care.
Claudia’s story is one of faith, resilience, and dedication, as she continues to embody God’s love through her ministry of presence and healing.