By Kathy Carpenter
Posting a picture of myself is not something I normally do, but this was a proud moment I wanted to share with all of you. This week I handed over the bike sponsorship donations (all $1100!!!) to Antonio, along with this cute bike donated by O’uma Toon. They were thrilled that 25 children will receive bikes, helmets and locks. To all who sponsored a child (or 5!), we want to express our sincere gratitude. Bike Day is April 5 from 12:00 to 4:00 at Bikes for Kids, if you want to join in on making a child’s day.
Since Second Harvest has lost major funding, our donations to the Hawthorne Food Bank are more important than ever. Here is the link to the list of needs: January/February Adopt-a-School Update
Your consistent donations make a big difference for the hungry children and their families.
Upcoming events you are all invited to attend:
- March 11, 2025– Science Night from 5:30-7pm
- Thursday, April 10–Evening Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Time: Teachers start eating at 5pm– about 50 staff
- FUMC will bring in the meal before 5:00
- Contact Paula Benson or Kathy Carpenter if you are interested in helping with the meal
A Family Liaison position is available to assist students in walking to and from school via the E. Washington tunnel. Check out this link for more information:
If you know of someone who needs a job, please let them know.
Needed: Office chairs for the staff. Will pick up.
Blessings to you all!!