Sharing Our Journeys, Sunday, Mar. 9, 11am

Our theme for the day is “Becoming Better Acquainted with Some of our Newer Members”.

Since the summer of 2024 we have welcomed 11 new members to our First Church family.  In order to become better acquainted with each other, 9 of the new members are available  and have agreed to come to Sharing our Journeys this Sunday to tell us more about themselves.  So, as we meet in the chapel on Sunday at 11 am  we hope to have a conversation which includes   some of the newer members and along with those who have been at First Church for a while.  You are invited to share in this gathering on Sunday morning in the Chapel. It will be good to be together.

Milton Ford, Facilitator

Zoom  to hear more about the housing crisis and possible solutions to this critical problem.