The 10 windows which circle the sanctuary are made of faceted glass which is cast in an epoxy resin compound. The Window Committee’s instructions to the artist were that the windows must have lots of rich color, and each one was to contain a symbol of Christ.
These windows were made by the Conrad Schmitt Studios of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The studios were founded in 1889. These studios have decorated and furnished glass, mosaics, sculptures, and marble and bronze work for thousands of churches throughout the United States and Canada.

I Am The Vine, John 15:5
These words were spoken to the disciples at the Last Supper. The vine is shown with the Chi Rho monogram at the top. The Chi Rho is the oldest monogram for Christ. It is formed by putting the Greek letters C (Chi) and R (Rho) together, which are the first two letters of the Greek word for Christ. A bluebird is sitting in the branches.

Sun of Righteousness, Malachi 4:2
Here the flaming sun, with the IHC (Jesus Christ) monogram is shown. The circle is a symbol of God and Christ, also referred to as the “Son of God.” (Mark 1:1; Matthew 3:17; Luke 1:35)

I Am The Good Shepherd, John 10:11
The Shepherd’s staff is clearly shown with a small lamb. Numerous references are given to this symbol in the Bible. Among them is Isaiah 40:11; Psalms 23; Hebrews 13:20; John 10:14; and John 10:16.

I Am The Light Of The World, John 8:12
This window depicts the flame and light with rays spread from the lamp throughout the world. The light is elevated as on a hill. The green curve represents the earth.

Tree of Jesse, Matthew 1:1
Jesus’ ancestry as the Son of David (who was the son of Jesse) has often been depicted by a symbolic “Jesse Tree.” The Bible refers to the stem or root of Jesse in Isaiah 11:1 and 11:10. Here the crowns in the tree suggest three of Christ’s earthly ancestors: Abraham, Isaac, and David. The fleur de lis above is used to represent the two-fold nature of Jesus – human and divine.

I Am The Alpha And Omega, Revelation 1:8
These two Greek letters represent the A and the W in the Greek alphabet. The reference and symbolism is to Christ, who is “the First and the Last” and “the Beginning and the End.” There are only two other references to this symbol in the Bible, and they are both found in Revelation.

Christ The Victorious Lamb, Revelation 17:14
This symbol depicts the Agnus Dei, or the “Lamb of God,” slain from the foundations of the world. (Revelation 13:8). The victorious Lamb is shown with a nimbus, or crown, and a victory banner. This is a symbol of the victory of Christ over life and death. There are 23 references to this symbol in the Book of Revelation alone.

Life Eternal Through The Word, John 1:1
The open Bible is shown with the Tau Cross. The Tau Cross, along with the earth symbol, is supposedly of ancient Egyptian origin and symbolized life. The symbolism also depicts John 1:1, which states, “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

I Am The Bread Of Life, John 6:48
The sacrament of the Lord’s Supper is symbolized by the wheat and grapes, the cup and the broken loaf. 1 Corinthians 10:16 and 11:23-26 are other references to this symbol.

I Am The Resurrection And The Life, John 11:25
The bursting pomegranate is shown growing from the tomb, with the dawning rays of the sun suggestive of Easter morning. The pomegranate is a little known resurrection symbol. It has been a valuable food for ages and is often mentioned in the Old Testament. The pomegranate is a symbol of the Resurrection because its fruit bursts open from the pressure of its multitudinous seeds. It stands for the power of new life.