The buildings and properties of First United Methodist Church in Madison, WI are held in trust by the members of First United Methodist Church and the Wisconsin Annual Conference as a place of worship, Christian Education, nurture, outreach and service. These properties and facilities are to be used primarily for local church ministries.
However, we recognize that our ministries to members and to the community are enhanced through a broad use of our facilities. Therefore, it is our intent to make these properties and facilities available to other groups, including religious, charitable, cultural, community service, fellowship and educational groups, as well as to individuals that fall within these guidelines set by the Governing Board and the Discipline of the United Methodist Church (Ref.: paragraph 2532 and 2532.3 The Discipline).
God is best glorified and the ministry of Christ enhanced when the resources and gifts of the church can be used to enhance, and to change for the better, people’s lives. Our church building is a resource and a gift that can be used to truly make a difference.
Priorities: The use of the Church building should be consistent with the purposes of the First United Methodist Church and its program areas. All requests for use of the church building and grounds must be within the Governing Board guidelines and approved by the Director of Connecting Ministries, or the Lead Pastor.
The priorities for use of Church facilities are:
First – Ministries, organizations and committees of the First United Methodist Church of Madison, WI.
Second – *Member use for special occasions. Refundable security deposit required. (*or person directly related to member, and member is present)
Third – Programs, organizations and committees of other United Methodist Churches. Refundable security deposit required.
Fourth – Groups and organizations of other religious denominations and affiliations. Refundable security deposit required.
Fifth – Non-profit community organizations/non-member special occasions on a one-time basis. Refundable security deposit required.
Sixth – Non-profit community organizations on a regular basis. Refundable security deposit required.
Prohibited Activities: The church may not be used for any of the following:
- Partisan political groups.
- For-profit activities from which the church receives no direct benefit.
- Serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages.
- Any purpose which is not consistent with the mission and vision of the First United Methodist Church.
In order to use Church facilities, each applicant must fill out the Facility Use Request Form for approval and scheduling 45 days prior to the event.
Once an activity has been scheduled, the originator must fill out a Building Set Up Form and pay the refundable security deposit.
User Fee: All users of the Church facilities other than programs, organizations and committees of the First United Methodist Church of Madison, WI are asked to share the cost of building maintenance, utilities and custodial service. Information about fees will be shared after the submission of a facility use request form.
Other policies of note:
- First Church is a smoke and alcohol free facility.
- Use of the sanctuary’s organ requires special permission from the Director of Music and the Arts.
- Kitchen: All events requiring food service must have a Certified Kitchen Manager(see Use Fee Schedule), per Health Department.
- Damage and Insurance: All user groups are responsible for conducting their activities in a safe manner. Any and all damage to Church property shall be paid for and is the sole responsibility of the user. Non-United Methodist groups using church facilities on an on-going basis must provide evidence of adequate liability insurance coverage and, upon request, shall name the First United Methodist Church of Madison, WI as an additional insured.
- Children and Youth on premises: All youth activities shall be adequately supervised by adults at all times.
- Audio/Visual Systems: Our audio/visual and lighting control systems may only be used when an audio technician is present or by special permission and training from our Director of Music and the Arts.
- Music spaces: Use of our music room and/or music rehearsal spaces requires permission from our Director of Music and the Arts.
- Area of use is limited to that for which permission is granted. Continued and future use of these facilities is dependent on the care taken by users.