First United Methodist Church supports a number of agencies, organizations and schools by offering financial support, or in-kind gifts. These are the church missional partners.
During 2021 and 2022, the list of missional partners has been reviewed and guidelines established so that there is consistency in the program. (Prior to this review, the lists varied from one site to another.)
Now, First Church’s missional partners have been divided into four groups based on their commitment, to and relationship with each agency, school or organization. The list of partners is below.
Scholarship Partners
Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary
United Methodist Connectional Partners
Human Relations Sunday
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Sunday
World Communion Sunday
United Methodist Student Day
Peace with Justice Sunday
Native American Ministries
Budgeted Mission Partners
MOSES (Madison Organizing in Strength, Equality, and Solidarity)
OutReach LGBTQ+ Community Center
Wisconsin Faith Voices for Justice
Other Mission Partners
DAIS (Domestic Abuse Intervention Services)
Hawthorne Elementary School (community partnership through Foundation for Madison Public Schools)