The model of governance in The United Methodist Church is a partnership between the Lead Pastor along with the staff and a Lay Leadership structure. For a full list of the standing committees here at First Church, please click here.

Lay Leader
Lay governance is an important and critical part of our life together and the fulfillment of the vision for our church in its missional commitments.
Our Lay Leaders seek to articulate that vision within the governing structures and within the congregational life.
Gerry and Jane Kennedy, Lay Leaders
Church Council
The Church Council is the administrative decision-making body of the local church. It is
responsible for articulating the church’s vision for spiritual formation, outreach, witness, and
resources, and evaluating the implementation of that vision. In consultation with the
congregation, ministry leaders, and resource committees, the council oversees the church’s
mission and ministry at a high level to ensure the vision, plan and actions of the church are
effectively administered. As the church’s administrative decision-making body, the council
formally represents the church to the broader Madison community.
Melissa Winters, Chair
Standing Committees
The committees that resource the Church Council for its decision making are as follows.
Board of Trustees
The trustees form the legal entity of First United Methodist Church—they are the group who
holds the organization in trust. The primary task of the Trustees is to be good stewards of our
physical plant. This includes maintaining the building and property and doing so efficiently and
in an environmentally sensitive way. It includes such tasks as buying new computers, improving
the exterior of our building, ensuring proper functioning of the internet system, and
maintaining the HVAC equipment. No particular expertise is needed, but interest in the
committee focus is one of the primary criteria.
Donalea Dinsmore, Chair
Finance Committee
A financially stable church allows First Church to pursue its mission of worship, service, and
education. Members of the Finance Committee support this through review of monthly
financial statements, preparation of the annual church budget, and development and review of
policies and procedures related to finances. This work is informed by other church governing
bodies and is subject to the requirements of the Book of Discipline.
Pattie Cagle, Chair
Staff Parish Relations Committee
The primary responsibilities include providing support and consultation to the pastors and staff;
developing staff job descriptions; participating in hiring & evaluation of staff; functioning as the
personnel committee as outlined in the Staff Manual; supporting and endorsing candidates for
ordained ministry; maintaining productive working relationships with the District
Superintendent and Cabinet; participating in the pastoral appointment process, and other
duties as outlined in the Book of Discipline.
Ann Herrold-Peterson, Chair
Stewardship Committee
This team is responsible for developing and implementing the church’s stewardship pledge and
fundraising campaigns. In addition, the stewardship team is working to expand the idea of
stewardship as a lifetime practice of generosity which includes contributions of time and talent
as well as financial support.
Lay Members to the Annual Conference
We are connected to the wider ministry and decision-making authority of The United Methodist Church through our delegates to Annual Conference.
Doug Knudson, Lay Member
Ann Herrold-Peterson, Lay Member
Annually and at other times as required, the church holds a Church Conference that expresses our connection to other United Methodist Churches, specifically in Wisconsin. The meeting is presided over by our District Superintendent who represents our Bishop and he work of the wider United Methodist Church.