Here at First Church, we are attentive to the head, heart and spirit of all of God’s creation. We explore the faith framework through which we encounter the world.
Spiritual Formation Opportunities
Sunday Classes
Adult classes are offered year-round. Some classes are in-depth studies of current topics and a corresponding book; others are special topics of interest. Participation is welcome on any or all Sundays.
Sharing Our Journeys
Every Sunday, currently on zoom; contact us to join the discussion.
Sharing our Journeys is a weekly forum that offers participants the privilege of getting to know and provide support for each other and to grow in faith through optional sharing. The sessions are structured loosely enough so that one can drop in or drop out as schedules permit. No registration is required and no printed materials are used. Please consider this your warm invitation!
Emergent Theology
Every Sunday, 11:15 AM
Via Zoom
Join this lively class as we read and discuss books that challenge us to grow in our understanding of theology and the modern world.
Racial Equity and Justice Class
Racial Equity and Justice Class will resume in September on a monthly basis beginning on September 20th. This class addresses issues around race and whiteness. Continuing our education around issues related to race and racism is a vital part of our work as a faith community. We will continue this work together through conversation, guest speakers, book studies, and more. REJ will continue to meet virtually. Contact Rev. Mallory Yanchus for more information and to join our email list.
Read more about the Racial Equity and Justice Ministry here.
Bible Study
The Bible Study group meets every Thursday for one hour at 2:00pm in the 2nd floor café of the church. New class members are welcome!
Contact Rev. Ran Yoo for more information.
Native American Acknowledgement Group
Read more about our Native American Acknowledgement Group here.
United Methodist Women
All women are invited to become active members of the United Methodist Women. It is not necessary to be a member of the United Methodist Church in order to participate.
Walk the Labyrinth and Restore
The labyrinth is an ancient path of prayer. It is not a maze; it has no dead ends. A labyrinth is a simple, two-way path leading from an entrance to a center and back out again. Walking the labyrinth is a metaphor for walking the sacred path in our everyday life.
For centuries, people of all backgrounds have found the labyrinth to be a helpful centering tool. The pattern of the labyrinth invites us to move quietly, thoughtfully, and deliberately to a central point and back. The simple process of moving to the center often prompts a “letting go” and an ability to focus clearly on one’s deepest needs, concerns or potential.
Come walk the labyrinth – discover a way of prayer, a way of being in communion with God.
The labyrinth is built into the carpet of the Chapel on the second floor of the building. Guided walks are scheduled occasionally, but the labyrinth is also available for private use by appointment. Please contact the church office to inquire about availability.
Lyons Lecture Series
The David P. Lyons Lecture in Theology was established to honor the memory and ministry of Rev. David Lyons. Each spring a distinguished scholar is invited to share insight and understandings in the areas related to theology, biblical interpretation, religious history, and spirituality.
Grounded in a deep and abiding faith, Rev. Lyons opened windows and doors for seeing and knowing God outside the usual human parameters defining God.
Contributions to the Lyons Lecture or Endowment can be made here.