Grow your faith
Faith is not static. It moves, grows, changes, and matures and requires cultivation. First Church strives to provide intentional faith development opportunities that will nourish your soul. Members and non-members alike, young and old, those searching meaning or those sharing witness are all a cherished part of the life of this community of grace.
Getting involved is what Jesus calls us to do. Grow spiritually and build friendships through our various programs and outreach activities. We have programs for all ages and all stages life.
The goal of our Children’s Ministry is to provide children with support in their faith journey and to share the stories and teachings of Jesus so that they may experience his deep and unconditional love. We want to build a strong foundation for each child that will be everlasting. MORE>>

We bring young people together in a life of faith, action and fellowship, and address spiritual, emotional, and social needs unique to youth. We create a safe space for our young people to gather and share their lives with each other and with caring adult mentors. MORE>>

Young Adult
The Young Adults and College students at First Church look forward to connecting with you. We strive to nurture spiritual growth, deepen personal connections, and passionately serve others. MORE>>

Here at First Church, we are attentive to the head, heart, and spirit of all of God’s creation. We explore the faith framework through which we encounter the world through education, book studies, group activities, lectures, restorative experiences. MORE>>

Senior Ministries
Our active 50+ adult ministries encourage spiritual growth through a variety of service programs, education, and fellowship. MORE>>