There are many opportunities to get involved at First Church by volunteering to help out on Sundays or with one of the many Arts@First events that take place here throughout the year. Whether you prefer to be a behind-the-scenes volunteer or take center stage, there is an opportunity for you.
Think about what you experience on a Sunday morning at First Church. You are greeted at the door, there are bulletins for your convenience, the sanctuary is warm and inviting. This doesn’t happen week after week without the help of committed volunteers.

It takes over 50 people (primarily volunteers) just to pull off a Sunday morning, including:
- Welcome Greeters
- Parking Attendants and Curbside Escorts
- Welcome center receptionist
- Ushers
- Bread bakers
- Candle lighters
- Musicians/Singers
- Coffee brewers/servers/kitchen detail
- Audio/Visual contributors
- Program prep, printing, folding
- Clergy
- Liturgist
- Teachers
- Security
- Plant care and holiday flowers
- Custodial cleaners
- Nursery attendants
- Offering counters
- Communion Stewards-monthly
Get details about these Sunday morning volunteer opportunities.
When asked “What brings you to First Church?” many members and visitors will say “The music!” Our Music Program at First Church is a glorious addition to our worship services. Through our vocal and instrumental choirs, we seek to enhance the worship experience through an artistic and loving expression of faithfulness.
We currently have two vocal choirs, a handbell choir, and a brass choir. Singers, keyboard players, and instrumentalists of all levels are welcome. The majestic sound of our prized Austin Pipe Organ fills the sanctuary each Sunday. This magnificent instrument incorporates the latest technology and principles of fine organ building that have evolved through the centuries.
The Arts @First is a public arts ministry primarily within church walls. Its mission is to support established groups and individuals in downtown Madison, opening space for rehearsal, performance, and display, while developing unique arts opportunities as an expression of the mission and ministry of FUMC.
Volunteers help with a variety of tasks to ensure these events are a success. If you would like to assist, please contact ???
Check out our calendar for individual concert information and stay tuned as more information becomes available.
>>More information about using First Church for rehearsals or performances.
Follow the Arts @First on FUMC’s facebook page or Instagram account for updates and sneak peeks!